
How Expensive Are Mark Hama's Repairs

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Exercice 84 (Examination)
Message de felin postal service� le 31-08-2006 � eleven:56:59 (S | Due east | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde Correction Lundi 4/09/06


Choose the correct tense in 1-v.
1 I am staying /stay at the Imperial Hotel till they go my apartment ready.
2 The River Amazon flows /is flowing into the Atlantic Sea.
3 Buying a house nowadays becomes / is condign more than and more expensive all the time.
4 We oasis't decided yet, but we think/are thinking of moving house.
5 Whether nosotros play on Saturday is depending / depends on the weather.


Choose the right verb form A, B, C or D to fill up the spaces in 11-15.
xi About 100 people ......... outside the theatre for tickets when we got there.
A were queuing/ B queued/ C have queued/ D queue
12 This time concluding week I ......... to Athens.
A have driven / B have drove / C was driving / D have been driving
xiii Past the fourth dimension the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students..........
A left/ B had left / C were leaving / D take left
14 The witness claimed he ......... the defendant before.
A did not see/ B hasn't seen/ C wasn't seeing/ D hadn't seen
15 I ......... a shower when the telephone rang.
A had/ B was having/ C have had/ D have


Cull the correct word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 16-20.
16 She's inverse a lot ......... she left schoolhouse.
A for/ B since / C during/ D after
17 I've been waiting in the rain ......... hours!
A during/ B since / C for/ D from
xviii......... I was coming abode I met my quondam English teacher.
A During/ B While/ C Before/ D Since
19 She was born xx-five years ......... in a small hamlet in Yorkshire.
A before/ B since/ C over / D agone
20 I've ......... seen the film and I don't want to see it again.
A yet/ B all the same / C already / D earlier


Choose the correct grade of the give-and-take A, B, C or D to make full the spaces 21-25.
21 How long have you been looking for.........?
A employer/ B employ/ C employee/ D employment
22 I need a ......... to open this tin of peas.
A can opening/ B tin open up/ C tin can opener/ D tin opened
23 Yous have to be a pretty expert ......... to become a job as a chef.
A cooker/ B cuisine/ C cookery / D cook
24 To practise ......... professionally requires a lot of skill.
A photographer/ B photographic/ C photography/ D photo
25 Passing the exam at and then young an age was quite an ................ .
A achievement/ B reach/ C achiever/ D achievable

Expert luck.

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Exam) de mp27, post�eastward le 31-08-2006 � 12:37:39 (Southward | E)
Hello felin
A/Cull the correct tense in 1-5.
1- I am staying
ii- flows
three- is becoming
four- are thinking
5- depends
B/ Cull the correct verb form
11 -A- were queuing
12 -C- was driving
13 -B- had left
14 -A- did not see
15 -B- was having
C/ Choose the right discussion
16 -B- since
17 -C- for
18 -B- While
19 -D- agone
20 -C- already
D/ Choose the correct form of the word
21 -D- employment
22 -C- can opener
23 -D- cook
24 -C- photography
25 -A- achievement
Many thanks and meet you over again!

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Examination) de magmatic_rock, post�e le 31-08-2006 � 13:17:nineteen (Southward | Due east)
Hello f�lin,

1) I am staying
2) flows (ps: j'ai utilis� une fois cette expression "the water flows..." et on m'a dit "ici (aux Us) on utilise plus souvent run", voil� petite parenth�se car je pense que c'est toujours bon � savoir )
3) becomes
4) are thinking
v) depends

ane) were queuing (de 1000�me aux US on utiliserais to stand in line ou to be in line)
2) was driving
iii) had left
four) didn't run into
5) was having (de m�me again , les Am�ricain diraient "take a shower" et k�me dans le language familier on peut entendre assez souvent "to shower" )

1) since
ii) while
iii) ago
4) already

1) employee or employment (depends on who is asked this question )
2) tin opener
3) cook
4) a lensman
5) achievement

J'esp�re que mes petites remarques ne te d�range pas, c'est juste que personnellement j'admire en savoir toujours plus alors je fais ce que j'aime que les autres facent --> partager son savoir (m�me si le mien est petit encore )

beaucoup, splendid excercice une fois de plus

Modifi� par felin le 31-08-2006 13:31

Hi Non pas du tout �a ne me d�range pas au contraire on apprend. Eh bien la langue am�ricaine est quand m�me diff�rente et c'est bon � savoir, merci j'aurai besoin de ces mots am�ricains tu le sais pourquoi . Encore une fois merci pour tes compliments.

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de whynot95, post�eastward le 31-08-2006 � xiii:25:45 (S | E)
Hello my love Felin.

A/Cull the correct tense in 1-v.
1 I am staying at the Imperial Hotel till they get my flat fix.
2 The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Bounding main.
3 Buying a business firm nowadays is becoming more and more expensive all the time.
four Nosotros haven't decided yet, but we are thinking of moving house.
5 Whether we play on Sabbatum depends on the weather.

B/ Choose the correct verb form A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 11-fifteen.
11 Almost 100 people were queuing exterior the theatre for tickets when nosotros got there.
12 This fourth dimension final week I was driving to Athens.
xiii By the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students had left.
xiv The witness claimed he did not see the accused before.
15 I was having a shower when the phone rang.

C/ Choose the correct word A, B, C or D to make full the spaces in 16-20.
16 She's changed a lot since she left school.
17 I've been waiting in the rain for hours!
xviii While I was coming home I met my old English instructor.
xix She was born xx-v years ago in a small village in Yorkshire.
xx I've already seen the motion-picture show and I don't want to see information technology again.

D/ Choose the right course of the give-and-take A, B, C or D to fill the spaces 21-25.
21 How long have yous been looking for employment?
22 I need a tin opener to open up this tin of peas.
23 You have to be a pretty expert melt to get a chore equally a chef.
24 To practise photography professionally requires a lot of skill.
25 Passing the exam at then immature an historic period was quite an achievement.

Thanks a lot.

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de nanette33, post�e le 31-08-2006 � 16:15:59 (S | E)
How-do-you-do dear Felin,

A/Choose the correct tense in ane-5.
1 I

am staying at the Imperial Hotel till they get my flat ready.
two The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
3 Buying a house present becomes more than and more expensive all the time.
4 Nosotros haven't decided however, only we are thinking of moving house.
5 Whether we play on Saturday depends on the atmospheric condition.

B/ Choose the correct verb form A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 11-15.
eleven Most 100 people were queuing outside the theatre for tickets when nosotros got there.
12 This time last calendar week

I was driving to Athens.
13 By the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students had left
14 The witness claimed he hadn't seen the accused before.
xv I was having a shower when the telephone rang.

C/ Choose the right word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 16-xx.
16 She's changed a lot

since she left school.
17 I've been waiting in the rain for hours!
xviii While I was coming dwelling I met my old English instructor.
19 She was born twenty-5 years ago in a small hamlet in Yorkshire.
20 I've already seen the moving picture and I don't desire to encounter it over again.

D/ Choose the correct form of the word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces 21-25.
21 How long have you been looking for

22 I need a tin opener to open this tin can of peas.
23 Y'all take to exist a pretty good melt to get a job as a chef.
24 To do lensman professionally requires a lot of skill.
25 Passing the exam at so young an age was quite an accomplishment.

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de nick27, post�e le 31-08-2006 � 17:15:26 (Southward | E)
Hello Felin !!

Another very expert exercise Thank you!

A/Choose the correct tense in i-5.
1 I

am staying at the Imperial Hotel till they get my apartment ready.
ii The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
3 Buying a house nowadays is condign more than and more expensive all the time.
4 We haven't decided still, only we call back of moving house.
5 Whether nosotros play on Saturday depends on the weather.

B/ Choose the correct verb form A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 11-15.
11 Well-nigh 100 people

were queuing outside the theatre for tickets when nosotros got at that place.
12 This time terminal week I was driving to Athens.
13 By the time the instructor arrived, the classroom was empty: the students had left.
xiv The witness claimed he hadn't seen the accused before.
xv I was having a shower when the telephone rang.

C/ Choose the right word A, B, C or D to make full the spaces in 16-20.
16 She'due south changed a lot

since she left school.
17 I've been waiting in the rain for hours!
18 While I was coming abode I met my quondam English language instructor.
xix She was born twenty-five years ago in a small village in Yorkshire.
twenty I've already seen the film and I don't want to see it again.

D/ Choose the correct form of the word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces 21-25.
21 How long have y'all been looking for

employment ?
A employer/ B employ/ C employee/ D employment
22 I need a tin opener to open this tin of peas.
23 You lot accept to be a pretty good cook to get a job as a chef.
24 To do photo professionally requires a lot of skill.
25 Passing the test at and then young an age was quite an accomplishment.


R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de eclair1, post�eastward le 01-09-2006 � fourteen:37:46 (S | Due east)
/Cull the correct tense in one-five.
i I am staying at the Imperial Hotel till they get my flat gear up.
two The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Bounding main.
3 Buying a house nowadays is becoming more and more expensive all the time.
iv We haven't decided yet, but nosotros remember of moving business firm.
5 Whether we play on Saturday depends on the weather condition.

B/ Choose the correct verb course A, B, C or D to fill up the spaces in 11-15.
11 Well-nigh 100 people

were queuing outside the theatre for tickets when nosotros got in that location.

12 This time last week I

was driving to Athens.

13 Past the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students

had left

14 The witness claimed he

did not see the accused before.

15 I

was having a shower when the telephone rang.

C/ Cull the correct word A, B, C or D to make full the spaces in 16-20.
16 She's changed a lot

after she left schoolhouse.

17 I've been waiting in the rain

for hours!


While I was coming home I met my old English language teacher.

19 She was born twenty-five years

ago in a pocket-size village in Yorkshire.

twenty I've

already seen the flick and I don't want to see it again.

D/ Cull the correct form of the word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces 21-25.
21 How long have you lot been looking for

employment ?

22 I need a

tin opening to open this tin of peas.

23 You have to be a pretty practiced

cooker to get a chore every bit a chef.

24 To do

photograph professionally requires a lot of skill.
A lensman/ B photographic/ C photography/ D
25 Passing the exam at so young an age was quite an achievement.
A / B achieve/ C achiever/ D achievable

Modifi� par eclair1 le 01-09-2006 14:52

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Exam) de annie, mail service�east le 01-09-2006 � 15:35:03 (S | E)
Hello F�lin

ane) am staying
ii) flows
3) is becoming
4) are thinking
5) depends

eleven) A
12) C
13) B
14) D
15) B

16) B
17) A
18) B
19) D
20) C

21) D
22) C
23) D
24) A
25) A
Encounter yous shortly

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de coferam, post�e le 01-09-2006 � 18:54:07 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin,A/Cull the correct tense in 1-5.
i I am staying at the Royal Hotel till they get my apartment fix.
2 The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Sea.
iii Buying a house nowadays becomes more than and more than expensive all the time.
4 We haven't decided yet, simply we are thinking of moving house.
5 Whether we play on Saturday depends on the weather.B/ Cull the correct verb form A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 11-15.
11 Nigh 100 people .... were queuing..... exterior the theatre for tickets when we got there. A/
12 This time last week I .... was driving..... to Athens. C/
13 Past the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students.... had left...... B/
14 The witness claimed he .... hadn't seen..... the accused before. D /
15 I .... was having..... a shower when the telephone rang B /C/ Choose the correct word A, B, C or D to fill the spaces in 16-20.
16 She'due south inverse a lot .... since..... she left schoolhouse. B /
17 I've been waiting in the rain ..... during.... hours! A /
18.... While..... I was coming home I met my old English teacher. B /
nineteen She was born xx-five years .... ago..... in a small village in Yorkshire. D
20 I've .... already..... seen the moving picture and I don't want to see information technology again. C /D/ Choose the correct grade of the word A, B, C or D to make full the spaces 21-25.
21 How long have you been looking for.... employment.....? D /
22 I demand a .... tin can opening..... to open this tin can of peas. A
23 You have to be a pretty good ..... cook.... to get a job every bit a chef. D /
24 To do .... photographer..... professionally requires a lot of skill. A
25 Passing the exam at so young an age was quite an ..achievement. A /

See you before long.

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de bobine, post�due east le 02-09-2006 � 09:49:42 (S | E)
Hello my love Felin,

1 I

am staying at the Imperial Hotel till they get my apartment set up.
2 The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
iii Ownership a firm nowadays is becoming more than and more than expensive all the time.
4 We haven't decided yet, merely we are thinking of moving house.
5 Whether we play on Saturday depends on the weather.

xi About 100 people

were queuing exterior the theatre for tickets when we got there.
12 This time last calendar week I was driving to Athens.
13 By the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students had left
xiv The witness claimed he hadn't seen the accused before.
15 I was having a shower when the telephone rang.

sixteen She's changed a lot

since she left school.
17 I've been waiting in the rain for hours!
18.While I was coming home I met my old English teacher.
19 She was born xx-five years ago in a small-scale village in Yorkshire.
20 I've already seen the pic and I don't want to see it once again.

21 How long have you been looking for

22 I need a tin opener to open this tin of peas.
23 Y'all take to be a pretty good cook to get a job as a chef.
24 To practice lensman professionally requires a lot of skill.
25 Passing the exam at and so young an age was quite an achievement.

I'yard late sorry

R�ponse: Exercice 84 (Test) de felin, postal service�e le 04-09-2006 � 13:xix:27 (Due south | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Je vais yard�absenter � partir de demain et je serais de retour fin septembre. Je vous dis � tous � bient�t. Take care.

Voici la correction:

ane I

am staying at the Imperial Hotel till they get my flat gear up.
2 The River Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.
iii Buying a house present is becoming more than and more expensive all the fourth dimension.
four We haven't decided yet, merely nosotros are thinking of moving firm.
five Whether we play on Saturday depends on the atmospheric condition.

eleven Most 100 people

were queuing exterior the theatre for tickets when nosotros got in that location.
12 This fourth dimension last week I was driving to Athens.
13 By the time the teacher arrived, the classroom was empty: the students had left
14 The witness claimed he hadn't seen the accused before.
fifteen I was having a shower when the telephone rang.

xvi She's changed a lot

since she left school.
17 I've been waiting in the rain for hours!
18 While I was coming dwelling I met my erstwhile English teacher.
19 She was born 20-v years ago in a small hamlet in Yorkshire.
xx I've already seen the film and I don't want to see it once again.

21 How long have you been looking for

22 I need a can opener to open this tin can of peas.
23 Yous have to exist a pretty good melt to get a task as a chef.
24 To exercise photography professionally requires a lot of skill.
25 Passing the exam at then young an age was quite an accomplishment.

Merci � tous pour votre participation.



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