
Who Is Responsiblefor Repairs Interstate 35 In Texas

Between 2009 and 2013, 15,865 people were killed in traffic crashes in Texas, an average of 3,173 per year. Texas' 2015 traffic fatality rate of 1.39 fatalities per 100 1000000 vehicle miles traveled ranked considerably above the national rate of i.09. Of course, many of these deaths weren't related, direct or indirectly, to road weather condition — driving while intoxicated remains the biggest cause of fatal auto accidents by far — but highway improvements do aid reduce the incidence of crashes, while improving traffic flow.

Where the Coin Comes From

Almost federal and state road funding across the nation comes from taxes on motor fuels besides as general sales taxes and other levies.

Federal taxes become to the federal Highway Trust Fund (HTF), which supports highway and mass transit programs and projects, formula-based land grants and other programs identified by Congress.

Funding for Texas' Throughway Fund (SHF) — well-nigh $21 billion for the country's 2016-2017 biennium — comes from several sources, the largest past far being the federal regime, which supplies just nether half of Texas highway revenue (Exhibit 2). The land's motor fuels taxes and car registration fees account for the bulk of state revenue.

Exhibit 2: Sources of State Highway Fund Acquirement Estimates for Fiscal 2016 and 2017

State REVENUE Fiscal 2016 Fiscal 2017
Motor Fuels Taxes Allocations $ii,558,220 $2,600,847
Motor Vehicle Registration Fees i,419,568 1,455,057
Severance Taxes Allocations i,134,668 594,182
Other Acquirement* 202,021 193,924
Supplies, Equipment, Services — Federal/Other 184,434 160,000
Special Vehicle Allow Fees 101,232 101,232
Motor Fuel Lubricants Sales Tax 44,500 44,900
Interest on Country Deposits and Investments, General Non-Program 21,946 sixteen,048
Sales of Publications and Advertising 6,600 half-dozen,600
Total Country Revenue $v,673,189 $5,172,790
FEDERAL INCOME Fiscal 2016 Fiscal 2017
Federal Receipts Matched — Transportation Programs $v,206,283 $4,770,002
Federal Receipts Not Matched — Other Programs 21,705 21,705
Full Federal Income $5,227,988 $4,791,707
Total State Highway Fund Acquirement $ten,901,177 $9,964,497

*Other acquirement includes reimbursements and other miscellaneous fees, charges and acquirement.

Source: Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Prior to contempo actions by the Texas Legislature, however, these traditional funding sources for transportation projects were being strained to the limit, and not only because of population and full general economical growth.

The recent oil and gas boom in shale formations, for example, pushed thousands of heavy trucks on rural Texas roads not designed for such traffic. While the boom has subsided, the damage to overstressed roads remains.

Furthermore, the cost of road construction has risen much faster than the general inflation rate, meaning our transportation dollars only don't go as far. In 2014, TxDOT reported that structure costs had risen by 80 pct since 2002, compared to a cumulative general inflation rate of well-nigh 32 percent.

Finally, the pregnant increase in automotive fuel efficiency in recent years, prompted by new technologies and stiffer federal standards, has had positive effects on private wallets but negative ones on motor fuels taxes. Texas and U.S. motor fuels taxes are based on volume — and then many cents per gallon. When fuel efficiency increases, the associated tax revenues decline.

New Revenue for Roads

Recognizing Texas' chronic need for boosted highway funding, recent legislative sessions have added major new funding for transportation projects.

In 2013, for case, the Legislature appropriated $225 1000000 in extra funding for the repair and maintenance of county roads and bridges affected by the shale free energy nail, and another $225 million for other county transportation projects.

In November 2014, 80 percent of Texas voters approved Proposition 1, an subpoena to the Texas Constitution directing more funds to transportation. The land'southward Economic Stabilization Fund (its "Rainy Day Fund") receives 75 percentage of the state's oil and gas production tax revenue in backlog of fiscal 1987 revenues. Proposition 1 now redirects up to half of this amount for highways, based on the decisions of the committee of legislators that guide the ESF.

Under Proffer i, $i.7 billion was deposited into the SHF in fiscal 2015 for transportation projects. In financial 2016, Prop ane added an additional $1.ane billion.

Another heave for country transportation projects came in November 2015, when voters approved another ramble amendment, Proposition 7, which could institute the largest increment in transportation funding in Texas history (Exhibit 3).

Showroom 3: Proposition 7, Transfers To the Thruway Fund (SHF)

explained in detail below

Source: Texas Department of Transportation

Starting in fiscal 2018, Prop 7 directs the Comptroller's function to annually eolith to the SHF $2.5 billion of net revenue from the land sales taxation, later total sales tax receipts exceed $28 billion.

This almanac transfer will expire at the end of fiscal 2032 unless a futurity Legislature extends it.

In fiscal 2020, Prop 7 further directs the Comptroller to annually transfer to the SHF 35 percent of state motor vehicle sales revenue enhancement acquirement above the first $5 billion of such revenue collected.

In recent testimony earlier the Senate Finance Committee, Comptroller Glenn Hegar indicated that this provision would generate $375 meg in highway acquirement in its first year. The motor vehicle sales and rental tax transfer will expire at the cease of fiscal 2029, again unless lawmakers choose to extend it.

Recently, the federal government too took steps to increment funding for mobility needs. The Fixing America'southward Surface Transportation Act (FAST), signed into law in December 2015, will provide state and local governments with well-nigh $305 billion in additional funding for highway and transit projects. Co-ordinate to the Federal Highway Administration, FAST could direct up to $18.3 billion to Texas between 2016 and 2020.

Unmet Needs

In September 2015, TxDOT estimated that about $sixty billion is needed in the next v to 10 years for projects to improve connectivity and traffic period in our urban areas, besides as $20 billion for statewide connections and border-trade projects.

Texas' transportation needs are still mounting. As our roads and highways continue to age, they'll achieve a point at which routine paving and maintenance are not enough to keep pavement surfaces in good condition.

In the by, various ideas proposed to increase route funding have included raising the gasoline tax or indexing it for inflation; increasing vehicle registration fees; edifice more than cost roads; seeking local funding through transportation reinvestment zones; and creating public-private sector partnerships for road construction and improvements.

Whatsoever the method, Texas policymakers volition accept much to consider as they piece of work to keep our surface transportation network supporting healthy economic growth.

Next month, in Function 2 of this commodity, we'll examine the economic bear upon of route structure on the state and local economies. FN

For more information on Texas roads and transportation projects, visit the Texas Department of Transportation at


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